The Barbados Union of Teachers (BUT) is demanding answers about the fate of Lawrence T Gay Memorial Primary School which has been plagued with environmental issues for years.

On Monday, BUT president Rudy Lovell told Barbados TODAY that teachers were being kept out of the loop and wanted to know what was the plan for the Spooner’s Hill, St Michael school since the new school term begins in the next few weeks.

Lovell said the union was having its first consultation with the Ministry of Education on Monday night and this was one of the main concerns to be raised.

“We are meeting with the ministry tonight and it is definitely one of the issues I am going to bring up; it is high on my agenda. It is a major concern given the fact that these problems still persist and have been persisting for the last six or so years,” he said. “Somebody needs to find out what is going on so that the lives of both teachers and students on the compound can be improved.”

The school was closed on multiple occasions in recent years due to environmental issues.

On May 18 and 19 this year, students and teachers based in the Carlisle Clarke Block, complained about a pungent odour that was causing a burning sensation in the throat and eyes and/or itchy skin and headaches.

On Friday May 20, a team of environmental health officers and personnel from a plumbing company investigated the matter.

On Friday following a presentation of science kits at Queen’s Park, St Michael, Chief Education Officer Dr Ramona Archer-Bradshaw said the public would be updated on the matter soon.

“As you are aware we have performed certain tests at L T Gay. As we look forward to beginning the school year we will ensure the public is informed with regards to L T Gay moving forward. That information would come in due course,” she said.

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