A hangry fanny-pack-wearing woman threatened a Midtown Manhattan Smash Burger cashier with a sharp object and hurled anti-gay slurs at him, police say.
The couple entered the eatery near the 42nd St. Port Authority bus terminal about 5 p.m. Thursday and got into an argument with the 18-year-old worker, according to the NYPD.
The spat escalated and the woman pulled a sharp object and menaced the employee with it while making homophobic comments in what police are investigating as a hate crime.
The suspect, who was wearing a fashionable fanny pack over her blue dress and white sneakers, was last seen walking uptown with a middle-aged man wearing a light blue T-shirt, white shorts and blue shoes, police said.
Cops released surveillance footage of the suspect and the man with her Sunday are are asking the public’s help identifying them and tracking them down.
Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS. All calls will be kept confidential.