Another sermon from a disgusted moderate republican who left the party years ago for its mean spirited attitudes and policies.
Not only was there a steal based on absolutely nothing and to appeal to a base of ignorant supporters who you have constantly lie to, but you keep on and on with it.
The GOP has stooped to the level of a bunch of cowards and liars who will do anything to hold their grasp of power.
Just like President Obama who provided both short and long forms of his birth certificates facts and evidence are thrown out the window, flushed down the toilet, or just not true. And just not true is based on nothing other than bigotry against anyone who is the ‘not us’.
They stigmatize Gays, transgender, a woman’s right to privacy and the right to control her body.
What the hell do you care? How the hell does someone trying to be who they are threaten you? Gay Marriage will ruin the institution that already has a 50% divorce rate. Yeah…sure… You going out to get a divorce if Gays marry?
What they hell do you care other than to gain power by crapping on the not us.
You claim to hold and validate your invalid ideas because you love Jesus Christ who said Love others as I have loved you so others know you follow me.
Every life is precious until its the not-us.
No one should be punished for who they are.
There is no qualification in that. Now the GOP and its media mouthpiece further scape goat refugees. Who is next? The Jews? Worked in 1938.
They claim to be the party of freedom and all they do is take away freedoms like voting rights laws.
You have to bring to term an unviable child (and you don’t know anything about that because the period or ban prevents that development examination, and then provide no public education or social supports. A fetus costs nothing. They build up the issue until their rabid foaming at the mouth base literally attacks clinics.
Our own Gov Abbott says Incest/Rape clauses in anti-abortion laws are not a problem because he has eliminated rape read all about it. Read all about it And to show how competent Gov Abbott and his goons are — look! Texas! Hell YEAH! We are NUMBER ONE!!!
Does anyone notice that Antifa is a non issue without fascist leaders? Antifa is not the Klan or Proud Boiz. Their mission has quieted down. On the other hand Hate is eternal.
My God, I am surprised these enemies of democracy using their media outlet haven’t revealed that President Biden is a communist, mixed blood gay impotent brain damaged Kenyan and Muslim. He eats babies and is a pedophile.
The instant President Biden was in office the bile was flushed into the public view. Excrement for all. If you are not GOP then you must be some kind of lying thieving bastard who doesn’t understand the ‘deep state’ or other insane conspiracy theories.
That’s why the Jews are left alone. Margaret Taylor Green revealed our secret space laser and to demonstrate our power we started the forest fires in California. Do you even hear what is coming out of your mouth?
With President Trump he was given a chance to shake things up and bring things to light. Instead he kowtowed to the moneyed because he promised to campaign with his own money and broke that promise.
Then being a greedy pig with a gold toilet and who would never let the average chump on his properties took Russian money when they bought his properties.
Did we forget that President used other people’s money for a foundation closed to fraud and fined 2,000,000. Did we forget that President Trump had to refund tuition. 25,000,00 for his lousy university. Well I would certainly vote for a cheat and a liar.
You whimps and crying little babies. Oh we got cheated without any evidence and even when you own party certified the results.
Is there anything I have missed? Please add it to the comments below.
And I forgot that President Biden’s mama wears army boots.
Let’s see how much we can run down a President who inherited a country which suffered with 1,000,000 dead for a lousy COVID response, a supply chain problem from Covid, and then Russian aggression to screw up oil and food supply. That while the oil companies cry foul and rake in Billions each quarter. I know. I have exxon mobil stock. I see their reports.
Let’s not forget how the GOP has boot licked big business for legalized bribery by weakening anti-trust laws. Now we can have higher prices for everything because when one company raises prices they all can. Muscle out the little guy.
The GOP wasn’t satisfied with showing us that the same banana republic USA that voted President Trump in, is now corrupt. The exact same system. The one by which they were elected. Well, waddyer know?
And then they the apply the anti-fax idiocy to literally kill off their own base. Blame it on the Chinese when President Obama’s play book from SARS-2 is tossed out the window because a filthy democrat touched it.
Instill suspicion of any intellectual and scientific evidence, and then insidiously apply it to the government providing the free vaccine’s!!! Its the democrats led by the Elders of Zion. Secret non existent organization that has its thumb in the American Government pie.
If you are going to lie then for chrissakes do it right. Don’t just fling your excrement on the very democracy that put you in your position. Make sure you smear the President because you weaseling toadying lackey goons led down the path of the ridiculous should be burning President Biden in effigy.
I am really disappointed that they demand we respect the office if not the man and then smearing the office.
President Trump’s ‘suckers and losers, what was in it for them’ visit to the sacred Arlington Cemetery where those Americans gave their last full measure to defend democracy in the world showed us is who he is. He spends time watching the news for his own gratification..
God damn! What does it take? Maybe an insurrection and attack of the capital where you demand to walk with your rabid nut cases, attack the police (who you hold in high esteem until it doesn’t suit you) and then call it a protest when they are screaming Kill Pence. Tell them I am the Fing President and then try to grab the wheel away from the secret service vehicle. This King/God wanted to lead the righteous nut cases in the insurrection.
Why the hell did the Secret Service not let President Trump foam at the mouth with his rabid dogs. If only we had that on camera. Maybe that would have woken up those who worship greed, bigotry, a total lack of empathy and the repudiation of any knowledge that doesn’t suit our position.
So much for: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
The God bit, well that brings in the Evangelical support for someone who has broken at least 4 of the ten commandments.
America – what a country.
End sermon – Rabbi Arnstein.