Here are the All-County and All-League boys lacrosse honors, selected by the coaches.
All-Bergen County
Attack: Brian Buono, Northern Highlands, senior
Attack: Connor Gorman, Don Bosco, senior
Attack: Koleton Marquis, Don Bosco, senior
Attack: Jonathan Ruff, Westwood, senior
Midfield: Will Consoli, Glen Rock, senior
Midfield: John Dunphey, Ridgewood, senior
Midfield: Owen Finetto, St. Joseph, senior
Midfield: Mark Marino, Don Bosco, junior
Midfield: Nicholas Muller, Bergen Catholic, senior
Midfield: Liam Peabody, Westwood, senior
Midfield: Ben Roberts, Tenafly, senior
Defense: Cole Cunningham, Ridgewood, senior
Defense: Sean Fox, Northern Highlands, junior
Defense: Connor Kehm, Don Bosco, senior
Defense: Nico Kross, St. Joseph, senior
Fogo: Kyle Rummel, St. Joseph, junior
Goaltender: Mason Bellinger, Paramus, senior
Goaltender: Coleton Carfello, Don Bosco, sophomore
Attack: Aidan Clark, Ramsey, senior
Attack: Matthew Lia, Ridgewood, senior
Attack: Will Messineo, Ridgewood, senior
Attack: Steven Sciaino, Mahwah, junior
Midfield: Chris Bacich, Northern Highlands, senior
Midfield: Connor Devir, Ridgewood, senior
Midfield: Dillon Kelly, Ramsey, junior
Midfield: Duke Richman, St. Joseph, junior
Midfield: Richard Sciaino, Mahwah, junior
Midfield: Brandon Stuart, Don Bosco, senior
Defense: Ronnie Bavagnoli, Ramapo, senior
Defense: Connor Gerlach, Don Bosco, senior
Defense: Ryan Gess, Ridgewood, senior
Defense: Colin Redmond, Glen Rock, junior
Fogo: Dan Sheppard, Bergen Catholic, junior
Goaltender: Drew Golden, Westwood, senior
Goaltender: Colin Laforty, Ridgewood, senior
Attack: Luke Biello, Westwood, freshman
Attack: Mason Carfello, Don Bosco, senior
Attack: Kevin Carmichael, Paramus, senior
Attack: Kyle Feltman, Northern Highlands, senior
Midfield: Michael Falek, Tenafly, senior
Midfield: Jack Kunisch, Mahwah, junior
Midfield: Will Anderson, Ridgewood, senior
Midfield: Ben Scrivanich, Northern Highlands, senior
Midfield: Isaac Cruz, St. Joseph, sophomore
Defense: Tobias Ballester, Westwood, senior
Defense: Noah Laurino, Ramsey, junior
Defense: Mark Manfredonia, St. Joseph, senior
Defense: Jack Murray, Northern Highlands, senior
Defense: Robbie Travers, Ramapo, senior
Fogo: Bobby Ruso, Ridgewood, senior
Goaltender: Ryan Cunningham, St. Joseph, sophomore
Goaltender: Luke Fazio, Northern Highlands, junior
Goaltender: Jack Jacobus, Ramsey, senior
Luke Vaccaro, Bergen Catholic, senior
Nazar Fedorko, Bergen Tech, junior
Harrison White, Demarest, junior
Michael Amoruso, Don Bosco, senior
Max Schiffman, Dwight-Englewood, junior
Ryan Feinstein, Fair Lawn, sophomore
Brendan Sullivan, Glen Rock, senior
Aidan Boris, Mahwah, senior
Charlie Johnson, Northern Highlands, senior
Jake Mahan, Old Tappan, sophomore
Joseph Campbell, Paramus, senior
John Stewart, Pascack Hills, junior
Evan Leili, Pascack Valley, senior
JJ Phillips, Ramsey, sophomore
Andrew Gioia, Ridgewood, senior
Finn Kristan, River Dell, junior
Danny Carr, Rutherford, junior
Ryan Colella, St. Joseph, junior
Ethan Dicturel, Tenafly, junior
Luke Burns, Westwood, junior
All-Passaic County
Attack: Aidan Bolger, West Milford, senior
Attack: Vin Stoffel, Lakeland, senior
Attack: Stephen Kimberlin, Pompton Lakes, senior
Midfield: Dyan Connors, West Milford, senior
Midfield: Cole Wolford, Wayne Valley, senior
Midfield: Zach Maksimiak, Pompton Lakes, senior
Midfield: Luke Ceneri, Clifton, senior
Defense: Theo Bolger, West Milford, junior
Defense: Cole Worford, Wane Valley, junior
Defense: Austin Knapp, Wayne Hills, senior
Defense: Justin Ganci, Lakeland, senior
Goalkeeper: Ralph Turre, West Milford, senior
Open: Ricky Iapoce, Wayne Hills, senior
Open: Dallas Pollock, Passaic Tech, senior
Coach of the Year: Gary Stoll, West Milford
Attack: Ashton Stymacks, West Milford, senior
Attack: Alex Scheuplein, Wayne Valley, junior
Attack: Jacob Maldonado, Clifton, senior
Midfield: Ben Contella, Wayne Hills, senior
Midfield: Michael Cook, Eastern Christian, junior
Midfield: Evan Uriguen, Pompton Lakes, junior
Midfield: Brandon Beltran, Hawthorne, senior
Defense: Jason Donohue, West Milford, senior
Defense: Matt Shapiro, Wayne Valley, junior
Defense: Mario Iannelli, Wayne Hills, senior
Defense: Will Schimmel, Pompton Lakes, senior
Goalkeeper: Jack Dates, Wayne Hills, senior
Open: Damian Kribs, Passaic Valley, sophomore
Open: Vincent D’Andrea, West Milford, freshman
Marcello Mannina, Clifton
Anthony Scalo, Clifton
Sean Post, Eastern Christian
Ben Visbeen, Eastern Christian
Ethan Dunn, Hawthorne
Troy Eckers, Hawthorne
Tommy Castiglia, Lakeland
Marcello Santora, Lakeland
Tristan Deprizio, Passaic Valley
Jayden Amico, Passaic Valley
Jack Donovan, Passaic Tech
Shawn Hutcheson, Passaic Tech
Hussein Quryouti, Pompton Lakes
Henry Galvany, Pompton Lakes
Sean Lemchak, Wayne Hills
Logan McFadden, Wayne Hills
Ryan Schmitz, Wayne Valley
Colyn Schmitz, Wayne Valley
Zander Masanko, West Milford
Sam Petronaci, West Milford
First team
Stephen Kimberlin, Pompton Lakes sr. A
John Stewart, Pascack Hills jr. A
Shane Gay, Indian Hills sr. A
Connor Denny, Fair Lawn so. A
Zach Maksimiak, Pompton Lakes sr. M
Evan Uriguen, Pompton Lakes jr. M
Aidan Calviello, Indian Hills jr. M
Max Chow jr. Dwight Englewood M
Nazar Fedork, Bergen Tech jr. M
Troy Almendras, Fair Lawn sr. M
Will Schimmel, Pompton Lakes sr. D
Noah Papange, Pompton Lakes jr. D
Max Bykov, Fair Lawn sr. D
Will Kilpatrick, Indian HIlls jr. D
Josh Hans, Indian Hills sr. G
Mike Tysco, Paramus Catholic sr. G
Ryan Gimmanco, Pascack Hills sr. G
Matthew Murri, Fair Lawn jr. FO
Max Schiffman, Dwight Englewood jr. LSM
Second team
Jimmy Novack, Pompton Lakes sr. A
C.J. Driver, Pascack Hills fr. A
Miguel Manalang, Bergen Tech so. A
Brian Kennedy, Emerson/Park Ridge sr. A
Mark Espinosa, Pascack Hills jr. M
Ryan Davis, Pascack Hills so. M
Hussein Quaryouti, Pompton Lakes sr. M
Anthony Pietropaolo, Indian Hills sr. M
Nick Pantaleo, Emerson/Park Ridge sr. M
Camillo Mantillo, Fair Lawn sr. M
John Patron, Bergen Tech sr. D
Henry Gavalny, Pompton Lakes sr. D
Lucious Minocho, Paramus Catholic sr. D
Kevin O’Neill, Indian Hills sr. D
Tanner Gay, Indian Hills so. FO
Nathan Marx, Fair Lawn so. LSM
Honorable mention: Joseph DelGrande, Pascack Hills sr.; James Golembeski, Paramus Catholic sr.; Niko Scherrer, Bergen Tech sr.; Derrick Colden, Pompton Lakes sr.; Ryan Feinstein, Fair Lawn so.; Andre Baskapan, Emerson/Park Reidge sr.; Gabriel Feldman, Dwight Englewood fr.; Jack Shah, Indian Hills sr.
Division champion: Pompton Lakes
First team
Jon Ruff, Westwood sr. A
Brendan Brady, Pequannock jr. A
Luke Biello, Westwood fr. A
Vincent Stoffel, Lakeland sr. A
Luke Ceneri, Clifton sr. M
Finn Kristian, River Dell jr. M
Marcello Santora, Lakeland sr. M
Dante Cheff, Pequannock jr. M
Liam Peabody, Westwood sr. M
Nate Ceneri, Clifton so. M
Tobias Ballester, Westwood sr. D
Luke Burns, Westwood jr. D
Dan Smith, Pequannock sr. D
Harrison White, Demarest jr. D
Drew Golden, Westwood sr. G
Thomas Castiglia, Lakeland jr. D
Isaac Budowsky, Pequannock jr. FO
Dylan DeNaples, Pequannock so. LSM
Second team
Will Fletcher, River Dell sr. A
Jacob Maldonado, Clifton sr. A
Nick Klein, Pequannock sr. A
Brady Kennedy, Lakeland so. A
Sean Morrison, Westwood fr. M
Matt Zenzer, Pequannock so. M
R.J. Weiss, River Dell fr. M
Tom Linaris, Westwood sr. M
Andrew Pinkus, Old Tappan jr. M
Nick Varni, Old Tappan jr. M
Justin Ganci, Lakeland sr. D
Connor Yeandle, River Dell so. D
Brenden Rie, Old Tappan sr. D
Pete Sengos, Westwood sr. D
Jose Martinez, River Dell so. G
Jake Mahan, Old Tappan so. G
Antonio Santora, Lakeland so. FO
Aiden Fruhling, Old Tappan jr. LSM
Honorable mention: Kirk Simeonidis, Westwood jr.; James Iroio, Pequannock sr.; Jake Spear, Lakeland so.; David Arturi, River Dell jr.; Caleb Woods-Bannon, Demarest sr.; Deven Desai, Clifton jr.; Sean Acheson, Old Tappan jr.
Division champion: Westwood
First team
Koleton Marquis, Don Bosco sr. A
Connor Gorman, Don Bosco sr. A
Will Messineo, Ridgewood sr. A
Reid Tietjen, Mountain Lakes sr. A
John Dunphy, Ridgewood sr. M
Owen Finnetto, St. Joseph sr. M
Nick Muller, Bergen Catholic sr. M
Cade Schuckman, Mountain Lakes sr. M
Brandon Stuart, Don Bosco sr. M
Mark Marino, Don Bosco jr. M
Ryan Gess, Ridgewood sr. D
Nico Cross, St. Joseph sr. D
Connor Kehm, Don Bosco sr. D
Lucas Sawransky, Mountain Lakes sr. D
Jimmy Holda, Mountain Lakes sr. G
Coleton Carfello, Don Bosco sr. G
Justin Hernando, Mountain Lakes sr. FO
Cole Cunningham, Ridgewood LSM sr.
Ryan McLaughlin, Mountain Lakes sr. LSM
Second team
Brian Buono, Northern Highlands sr. A
Matthew Lia Ridgewood sr. A
Mason Carfello, Don Bosco sr. A
Isaac Cruz, St. Joseph so. A
Connor Devir, Ridgewood sr. M
Richmond Duke, St. Joseph jr. M
Chris Bacich, Northern Highlands sr. M
Caz Kotsen, Mountain Lakes sr. M
Ben Scrivanich, Northern Highlands sr. A
Luke Macyka, Bergen Catholic jr. M
Sean Fox, Northern Highlands jr. D
Marc Manfredonia, St. Joseph sr. D
Ronnie Bavagnoli, Ramapo sr. D
Connor Gerlach, Don Bosco sr. D
Luke Fazio, Northern Highlands jr. G
Ryan Cunningham, St. Joseph so. G
Kyle Rummel, St. Joseph jr. FO
Honorable mention: Robbie Travers, Ramapo sr.; Colin LaForty, Ridgewood sr.; Jack Murray, Northern Highlands sr.; Ryan Colella, St. Joseph jr.; Luke Vaccaro, Bergen Catholic sr.; Ben Buzby, Mountain Lakes sr;. Michael Amoruso, Don Bosco sr.
Division champion: Don Bosco
First team
Steven Sciaino, Mahwah jr. A
Aidan Bolger, West Milford sr. A
Aidan Clark, Ramsey sr. A
Michael Falek, Tenafly sr. A
Will Consoli, Glen Rock, sr. M
Richard Sciaino, Mahwah jr. M
Collin Revere, Wayne Valley sr. M
Ricky Iapace, Wayne Hills sr. M
Dylan Connors, West Milford sr. M
Dillon Kelly, Ramsey jr. M
Ben Roberts, Tenafly sr. M
Brendan Sullivan, Glen Rock sr. D
Cole Wolford, Wayne Valley sr. D
Austin Knapp, Wayne Hills sr. D
Noah Laurino, Ramsey jr. D
Mason Bellinger, Paramus sr. G
Ralph Turre, West Milford sr. G
Sean Hali, Ramsey jr. FO
Theo Bolger, West Milford jr. LSM
Second team
Conor Ollendike, Glen Rock sr. A
Kevin Carmichael, Paramus sr. A
Ryan Schmitz, Wayne Valley so. A
Vincent D’Andrea, West Milford fr. A
Gibson Nichols, Wayne VAlley sr. M
Sean Lemchak, Wayne Hills so. M
Quinn O’Neill fr. M
Evan Leili, Pascack Valley sr. M
Jacob Hyatt, Tenafly sr. M
Aidan Boris, Mahwah sr. D
Joey Campbell, Paramus sr. D
Ethan Dicturel, Tenafly jr. D
Roman Adams, Pascack Valley jr. D
Nick Crames, Mahwah sr. G
Jack Jacobus, Ramsey sr. G
Parker DePuis, Glen Rock so. FO
Colin Redmond, Glen Rock jr. LSM
Honorable mention: Kyle Mandel, Ramsey sr.; Mike McCarthy, Glen Rock sr.; Zach Dolak, Paramus sr.; Ashton Stymacks, West Milford sr.; Rocco Celentano, Mahwah jr.; James Graizzaro, Pascack Valley sr.; Nico Biancella, Wayne Valley sr.; Mario Ianelli, Wayne Hills sr.; Eric Jung, Tenafly sr.
Division champion: Glen Rock
First team
Dallas Pollock, Passaic Tech sr. A
Jack Donovan, Passaic Tech sr. A
Zander Lipsey, West Orange sr. A
Ben Visbeen, Eastern Christian sr. A
Saboot Karriem, West Orange jr. M
Adrian Durasno, Weehawken sr. M
Will Yi, Passaic Tech jr. M
Michael Cook, Eastern Christian jr. M
Brandon Beltran, Hawthorne sr. M
Damian Kribs, Passaic Valley so. M
Ethan Dunn, Hawthorne sr. D
Luke Tully, Passaic Tech sr. D
Justin Laboy, Parsippany sr. D
Sean Post, Eastern Christian sr. D
J.P. Wedemeyer, Hawthorne so. G
Shawn Hutcheson, Passaic Tech sr. G
Nate Harris, Passaic Tech so. FO
Malik Alzubi, Parsippany so. LSM
Second team
Jayden Amico, Passaic Valley so. A
Will Gerhardstein, Hawthorne fr. A
Marcos Trasbach, Hawthorne sr. A
Nicholas Graziano, Parsippany fr. A
Rayal Hunter, West Orange so. M
Tyler Menne, Hawthorne so. M
Tristan DePrizio, Passaic Valley sr. M
Luke Baitzel, Eastern Christian fr. M
Deniz Koraman, Weehawken jr. M
Evan Reyes, Passaic Tech fr. M
Daniel Bienamine, West Orange sr. D
Troy Eckert, Hawthorne sr. D
Andreas Rodriguez, Passaic Tech jr. D
Lucas Genuario, Eastern Christian so. D
Alejandro Giraldo, Parsippany so. G
Anthony Urana, Waldwick so. G
Dylan Pomeranc, Weehawken so. FO
Angel Castillo, Newark East Side sr. LSM
Honorable mention: Santiago Lema, Newark East Side sr.; Nick Poresi, Eastern Christian jr.; Kevin Bauman, Parsippany sr.; Nicco Fasoli, Passaic Tech so.; Javier Cosme, Weehawken so; Reme Frolow, West Orange so.; Anthony DiTaranto, Passaic Valley sr.; Brendan Ryan, Waldwick sr.; Cormac Smith, Hawthorne so.
Division champion: Eastern Christian