3) It looks like you’ve also successfully gotten long snapper Matthew Orzech and punter Johnny Hekker on board in that area.

“I can’t take any credit for Johnny. I gotta give all credit to his wife. His wife’s getting him, his wife’s buying him the shoes. All credit to Makayla on that one. She’s buying him the shoes.”

4) You and your wife are proud parents of two boys. What do you like the most about being a dad/parent?

“I just love watching these little boys grow up and just being able to help them. I find joy in the smallest little things, like every little day they learn something new. My youngest right now, he’s really, really starting to talk, and so every day I feel like he’s learning to say something new. It’s like, ‘Well, how did you learn that?’ and stuff like that. So just watching them grow up, and just being able to share that role, my wife enjoyed being able to know that like, that’s half you-half me, and we made this little family between us. And so that’s like number one in my life, is I always wanted to have a big family and have kids and so yeah. I got a great partner in Millie to help me raise these boys. “