The Gay Agenda
Have an event coming up? Email your information to Managing Editor Tammye Nash at or Senior Staff Writer David Taffet at by Wednesday at 5 p.m. for that week’s issue.
The Gay Agenda is now color-coded: Red for community events; blue for arts and entertainment; purple for sports; green for nightlife and orange for civic events and holidays.
• Every Monday: THRIVE
Resource Center’s THRIVE Support Group for people 50 and older meets virtually from 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m. led by a SMU Intern from their counseling program. Email to request the link.
• Every Tuesday: Totally Tuesdays
A night of totally fetch throwbacks hosted by Marissa Kage. Masks required. 11 p.m. at The Round-Up Saloon, 3912 Cedar Springs Road.
• Weekly: Frontrunners
Meet in Turtle Creek Park where the old statue stood on Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m. and Saturdays at 9 a.m. for a one-hour walk/run on the Katy Trail.
• Biweekly: Hope Cottage Foster Parent Information Meeting
Hope Cottage holds information meetings for those interested in becoming foster parents. The meetings are held alternately on Saturdays at 10 a.m. and Thursdays at 6 p.m. For information email Clyde Hemminger at
• Aug. 20-21: New Media Artworks
New media artworks by Refik Anadol and Quayola commissioned by Fort Worth will premiere as the first of four major public art projects at Will Rogers Memorial Center. Free.
• Through-Aug 22: Tomoo Gokita: Get Down
Dallas Contemporary presents Japanese artist Tomoo Gokita’s first North American museum exhibition: Get Down. Dallas Contemporary, 161 Glass St.
• Aug. 24: Get Centered tour
Virtual Resource Center tour streams for free at 5 p.m. Registration required.
• Aug. 26: Black Tie Dinner Summer Social
Enjoy crafted cocktails, light bites, plenty of entertainment and exclusive announcements to share as we gear up for the 40th annual Black Tie Dinner. All proceeds benefit BTD beneficiaries. Park Place Motorcars Mercedes-Benz, 6113 Lemmon Ave. $25. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Tickets at
• Aug. 26: Pride Across Texas
The Texas LGBTQ Chambers of Commerce meet for virtual networking. Guest speaker is Jenn T. Grace, founder and CEO of Publish Your Purpose that gives first-time authors the secrets to getting their books written, finding an audience and marking their place in the publishing world. 4-6 p.m.
• Aug. 27: LGBT Rights in Texas
AARP holds a Zoom meeting to discuss LGBT relationships and probate. What you need to know to protect your rights. Common law marriage, ceremonial marriage and how to obtain benefits based on relationships that began before marriage equality. From 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
• Aug. 28: NOH8 photoshoot
Have your NOH8 picture taken from noon to 2 p.m. at W Hotel Victory, 2440 Victory Park Lane. Tickets at
• Through Aug. 28: Juried exhibition
Contemporary 2D and 3D works selected by juror Caleb Bell, curator at the Tyler Museum of Art, will be included in the Texas Juried Exhibition at Artspace111, 111 Hampton St., Fort Worth. By appointment.
• Aug. 29: Songs of Strength and Survival
The Turtle Creek Chorale Small Ensemble Showcase sings about the healing power of live music that was absent as we made our way through the pandemic. 6 p.m. at Cathedral of Hope, 5910 Cedar Springs Road. Tickets at
• Aug. 30: Name and gender change workshop
Lambda Legal discusses what the process looks like in Texas to secure state and federal identity documents. Lawyers can receive CLE credit. Meeting via Zoom.
• Sept. 3: Name and gender change workshop
Lambda Legal discusses what the process looks like in Texas to secure state and federal identity documents. Lawyers can receive CLE credit. Meeting via Zoom.
• Through Sept. 4: Together
The MAC presents its 23rd annual membership exhibition, Together, in its new home in The Cedars. The MAC, 1503 S. Ervay St.
• Sept. 4-6: Trick the Mini Fest
TRICK the Mini FEST brings DJs, drag shows and Lil Miss Trick Contest that ends with a crowning with a Tiara, cash and more. Saturday from 5 p.m.-1 a.m. Sunday and Monday from noon-1 a.m. 4015 Cedar Springs Road.
• Sept. 5: Super Clasico USA
Club America vs. Chivas de Guadalajara, a Mexican soccer rivalry that dates to 1926 at 4:30 p.m. at the Cotton Bowl in Fair Park.
• Through Sept. 5: Buddha, Shiva, Lotus, Dragon
The Kimbell Art Museum presents Buddha, Shiva, Lotus, Dragon: The Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd Collection at Asia Society, a collection of sculptures, bronzes, ceramics and metalwork. Kimbell Art Museum, 3333 Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth.
• Through Sept. 5: Jurassic World: The Exhibition
You’ve seen the films. Now experience them in real life at Jurassic World: The Exhibition. Educational, immersive, interactive and most of all, awesome, the Exhibition will thrill audiences of all ages as they come face to face with these mighty and sometimes vicious creatures. Grandscape, 5752 Grandscape Blvd, The Colony.
• Through Sept. 5: Wicked
Dallas Summer Musicals is back with a return of the musical Wicked, a look at what happened in Oz from a different angle. The Music Hall at Fair Park.
• Sept. 8-Oct. 16: Tiny Beautiful Things
An online advice columnist uses her personal experiences to help her readers who pour their hearts out to her. Adapted for the stage by Nia Vardalos. In rep with Cake Ladies. Dallas Theater Center, Wyly Theatre.
• Sept. 9-Oct. 17: Cake Ladies
World premiere comedy by playwright-in-residence Jonathan Norton written to welcome audiences back to the theater. The Scott County Community Playhouse is the pride of Cedar Oak, Texas, a small town recovering from a drug-fueled HIV outbreak. With the launch of their first ever “AIDSFest!” it seems the town is finally turning a corner for the better. When the COVID-19 pandemic shuts down the playhouse production of Angels in America, best friends LeAnne (Sally Nystuen Vahle) and Tweedy-Bird (Liz Mikel)–affectionately known as “the cake ladies”–leap into action to make Angels soar again in their hometown. In rep with Tiny Beautiful Things. Dallas Theater Center, Wyly Theatre.
• Sept. 9: PFLAG Dallas
Virtual support meeting for parents, family and friends of LGBTQ people meets the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. Register for link at
• Sept. 9: Rose Room Rising Star Pageant
Kelexis Davenport hosts Ascend to the Heavens featuring Blue Valentine. Presentation, swimsuit, talent, evening gown and lip-sync at 10:30 p.m. at The Rose Room, 3911 Cedar Springs Road.
• Sept. 10-12: Deep Ellum Arts Festival
This year extending more than half a mile from Malcolm X Boulevard to Exposition Avenue.
• Sept. 11: Queer Reads
Queer Reads is an online book club that meets the second Saturday of every month from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Register at
• Sept. 11: Vaccine event
Coalition for Aging LGBT, Visiting Nurses Association, Immaculate Conception Church and Perrone Pharmacy host a free vaccine clinic from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, 2255 N. Bonnie Braw St., Denton. Register for your free, socially distanced appointment at
• Sept. 11: On Mindful Pond
A morning of mental health resources, laughter and hope presented by Something for Kelly Foundation and The Morgan Foundation. Prestonwood Pond, 14850 Montfort Drive. 9 a.m.-noon.
• Sept. 11: Night of Stars: Heroes
5 p.m. at The Rose Room at S4, 3911 Cedar Springs Road.
• Sept. 14: 2021 Business and Community Excellence Awards
The North Texas LGBT Chamber of Commerce presents its Business of the Year, ExtrAA Mile community service, cororate ally, supplier diversity champion and employee group of the year awards. Venue to be announced and tickets will go on sale soon.
• Sept. 14-July 10, 2022: Slip Zone: A New Look at Postwar Abstraction in the Americas and East Asia
Featuring works from the Museum’s collection, Slip Zone charts the significant innovations in painting, sculpture, and performance that shaped artistic production in the Americas and East Asia in the mid-20th century. Dallas Museum of Art, 1717 N. Harwood St.
• Sept. 14-July 10, 2022: Bosco Sodi: La fuerza del destino
Installed in the Museum’s Sculpture Garden, this exhibition features approximately 30 sculptures by Mexico City-born, New York City-based artist Bosco Sodi. The artist’s large-scale spherical and rectangular sculptures are created from clay sourced at his studio in Oaxaca. Dallas Museum of Art, 1717 N. Harwood St.
• Sept. 15: Alicia Keys in concert
• Sept. 16: Miss and Mister Round-Up 2021
Come join Round-Up Royalty and compete for your chance to win the title of either Mr. or Miss Round-Up. Categories include a floral-themed presentation, formal wear, Q&A and a talent presentation. 9 p.m. More info at or get an info packet at the bar.
• Sept. 17-18: TITAS
TITAS/Dance Unbound presents MOMIX and its fantastical Alice at the Winspear Opera House.
• Sept. 18: The Legacy Continues
Join Legacy Counseling Center for some big announcements about its future. Complimentary red/white wine and champagne by Kindred Spirits, vodka by Greenbar Distillery, hors d’oeuvres by Kona Grill and desserts by Sugar Town Bakery for this 2021-22 kickoff event from 7-9 p.m. at City Yoga, 4311 Belmont Ave. $25.
• Through Sept. 19: Off-Site Nasher
The Nasher Sculpture Center announces its second offsite Nasher Public project: Lauren Cross’s A Moment of Silence/Let Freedom Ring presented in partnership with For Oak Cliff, an organization and community center that works to liberate the South Dallas neighborhood of Oak Cliff from systemic oppression. For Oak Cliff, 907 E. Ledbetter Drive.
• Sept. 24: Wynonna Judd and Cactus Moser
Wynonna Judd and Cactus Moser perform live at The Kessler, 1230 W. Davis St. Tickets at
• Sept. 24-26: Dallas Southern Pride
Dallas Southern Pride present Black Pride Weekend.
• Sept. 24-Oct. 3: A Very Sordid Wedding
It’s 2015, seventeen years after Peggy tripped over G.W.’s wooden legs and died in Sordid Lives. Uptown Players presents the sequel that explores the questions, bigotry and the fallout of what happens when gay marriage comes to communities and families that are not quite ready to accept it. Kalita Humphreys Theater, 3636 Turtle Creek Blvd. 8 p.m.
• Sept. 24-26: LGBTQ Outdoorfest
LGBT Outdoors camping weekend will feature hands-on outdoors workshops and that magic community building that can only take place outdoors around a campfire. Rainbow Ranch in Groesbeck.
• Sept. 25: North Texas Pride “Come As You Are” Festival
North Texas Pride Foundation brings the community together to celebrate Pride in diversity. Sponsor and vendor booths, food and beverage, give aways, adult and kid activities, bands, DJ, dancing and entertainment. 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Saigling House, 902 E. 16th St., Plano. Free.
• Sept. 25: Texas Latinx Pride Fest 2021
Live entertainment and special guests from 3-9 p.m. in Reverchon Park, 3501 Maple Ave.
• Sept. 25: Texas Justice: Brandon Woodruff
Richard Rey, formerly of Fox 4 News, hosts a screening of Texas Justice: Brandon Woofruff about a teen convicted of killing his parents without evidence other than he is gay at 7 p.m. at the The Texan Theater, 2712 Lee St., Greenville.
• Through Sept. 25: Becoming featuring Valerie Gillespie
Becoming is an aesthetic exploration of the truth and illusion behind the often times unfortunate actions that stem from human nature. African American Museum, Fair Park.
• Sept. 25-Jan. 9: Anila Quayyum Agha: A Beautiful Despair
Introducing a dozen new ornate works by the multidisciplinary artist, Anila Quayyum Agha: A Beautiful Despair will open this fall at the Amon Carter Museum of American Art (the Carter). The exhibition debuts the latest evolution of Agha’s luminous lantern-like sculptures—two site-specific installation pieces commissioned by the Carter—alongside a corresponding series of drawings that elevate practices traditionally assigned as female handiwork, such as embroidery. Amon Carter Museum, 3501 Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth. Free.
• Oct. 2-3: Fortune Feimster
Lesbian comedian Fortune Feimster appears at the Majestic Theater, 1925 Elm St. 7 p.m. $32-196.
• Oct. 3: LifeWalk
Prism Health is hoping for an in-person walk this year.
• Oct. 8: DIFFA /Dallas Burgers and Burgundy
Celebrity chefs create their version of the perfect slider, each uniquely paired with a different glass of wine. Complete with exciting entertainment, a luxury silent auction, and a wine pull. Benefits DIFFA/Dallas. Peace Plaza at Cathedral of Hope, 5910 Cedar Springs Road.
• Oct. 8-10: Tyler Pride Weekend
Luau Ball from 6-10 p.m. on Saturday at the host hotel Holiday Inn Tyler Conference Center, 5701 S Broadway Ave., Tyler. $40. Pride in the Park includes Doggie Pride Fashion Show from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. on Sunday at Lindsey Park, 12557 TX-364 Spur W, Tyler. Pride After Hours Party from 7 pm.-midnight at South Tyler Speakeasy, 16884 FM 2493 Ol Jacksonville Hwy, Tyler.
• Oct. 9: Queer Reads
Queer Reads is an online book club that meets the second Saturday of every month from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Register at
• Oct. 10: ADL Walk Against Hate
In person beginning at American Airlines Center or virtual at 9:30 a.m.
• Oct. 14: PFLAG Dallas
Virtual support meeting for parents, family and friends of LGBTQ people meets the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. Register for link at
• Oct. 16: Tarrant County Pride Parade and Water Garden Festival
Parade starts at 11 a.m. at Taylor Street at W. 3rd and continues 17 blocks to the Water Gardens. Parade awards given at 4 p.m. at the Water Gardens Festival. Festival continues until 6 p.m.
• Oct. 17: Tarrant County Pride Picnic
Tarrant County Pride Picnic runs from noon-6 p.m. at Trinity Park.
• Oct. 17-Feb. 6, 2022: Van Gogh and the Olive Groves
Co-organized by the DMA and the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam and making its world premiere at the DMA, Van Gogh and the Olive Groves is the first exhibition dedicated to Vincent van Gogh’s important olive grove series, created between June and December 1889 during his stay at the asylum of Saint-Rémy-de-Provence. Reunited for the first time, the paintings reveal Van Gogh’s passionate investigation of the expressive powers of color and line, and his choice of the olive groves as an evocative subject. The exhibition highlights exciting new discoveries about the artist’s techniques, materials, and palette that emerged from a collaborative conservation and scientific research project covering all 15 paintings in the series. Dallas Museum of Art, 1717 N. Harwood St.
• Oct. 18: Jamie Foxx
Comedian and actor, Jamie Foxx embarks on a multi-city book tour to celebrate the release of his memoir, Act Like You Got Some Sense. The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory.
• Oct. 20: Andrea Bocelli
Legendary tenor Andrea Bocelli brings his Believe World Tour to Dallas. 7:30 p.m. at American Airlines Center. Tickets at
• Oct. 22-24: Ben Folds
Ben Folds performs solo piano and orchestral performances he’s dubbed his “In Actual Person Live For Real Tour.” Meyerson Symphony Center, 2301 Flora St.
• Oct. 26: Get Centered tour
Virtual Resource Center tour streams for free at 5 p.m. Registration required.
• Nov. 1: Bianca Del Rio
RuPaul’s rag Race champion Bianca Del Rio brings her Unsanitized Comedy Tour to Dallas. Majestic Theater, 1925 Elm St. Tickets and info at
• Nov. 3: Enrique Iglesias and Ricky Martin concert
Enrique Iglesias and Ricky Martin in concert with special guest Sebastian Yatra. American Airlines Center, 2500 Victory Ave. 7:30 p.m. Tickets at
• Nov. 4-7: National Strength Conference
Sixth National Strength Conference for men living with HIV. $50. Dallas Marriott Suites, 2493 N. Stemmons Freeway.
• Nov. 5: Business and Community Excellence Awards
The LGBT Chamber’s 2021 Business & Community Excellence Awards Luncheon will be virtual.
• Nov. 6: Alton Brown: Beyond the Eats
Author and Food Network star Alton Brown visits the Theatre at Grand Prairie with “more cooking, more comedy, more music and more potentially dangerous science stuff” for two hours of entertainment including “things i’ve never been allowed to do on TV.” Tickets go on sale March 5 at 10 a.m.
• Nov. 6-7: Metropolis LGBTQ Empowerment Expo
Hear poets, leaders, visionaries and speakers challenge our minds with the power of words from literary works to thought provoking perspectives. See the work of visual artists and performers. Panel discussions and inspirational presentations that explore our history and celebrate movements and milestones. Health and wellness. Shopping. Noon-7 p.m. Grapevine Convention Center, 1209 S. Main St. Grapevine. Free with RSVP at
• Nov. 10: Stacey Abrams
Voting rights activist Stacey Abrams holds an evening of political insight and candid conversation. The Theater in Grand Prairie, 1001 Performance Place, Grand Prairie at 7:30 p.m. $44.50-75. Tickets at
• Nov. 11: PFLAG Dallas
Virtual support meeting for parents, family and friends of LGBTQ people meets the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. Register for link at
• Nov. 13: Black Tie Dinner
• Nov. 13: Queer Reads
Queer Reads is an online book club that meets the second Saturday of every month from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Register at
• Nov. 21: Transgender Day of Remembrance
• Nov. 23: Get Centered tour
Virtual Resource Center tour streams for free at 5 p.m. Registration required.
• Nov. 25: Thanksgiving
• Dec. 1: World AIDS Day
• Dec. 9: PFLAG Dallas
Virtual support meeting for parents, family and friends of LGBTQ people meets the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. Register for link at
• Dec. 11: Queer Reads
Queer Reads is an online book club that meets the second Saturday of every month from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Register at
• Dec. 17-19 Sure Stars Shining
The Turtle Creek Chorale wraps up its 41st season with a return to Moody Performance Hall for its holiday concert. Tickets at
• Dec. 18-April 17: Sandy Rodriguez in Isolation
A selection of new works on paper conceived by the Los Angeles–based painter during her Joshua Tree Highlands Artist Residency in Southern California at the height of COVID-19. The exhibition features more than 30 landscapes, protest scenes, maps, and botanical studies, created using Rodriguez’s hand-processed inks and watercolors, which she derived from plants and mineral pigments native to the region. Amon Carter Museum, 3501 Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth.
• Dec. 20: Sarah Brightman
Sarah Brightman–A Christmas Symphony at 7:30 p.m. at Winspear Opera House, 2403 Flora St.
• Dec. 25: Christmas
• Dec. 31: New Year’s Eve
• Jan. 1: New Year’s Day
• Feb. 6-Jan. 15, 2023: Octavio Medellin:Spirit and Form
Octavio Medellín was an influential Mexican American artist and teacher who helped shape the Texas art scene for six decades. The first-ever museum retrospective for Medellín explores the evolution of his sculptural practice, his public art commissions, and his legacy as a beloved and respected teacher. Dallas Museum of Art.
• Feb. 18-20: Queer History South conference
QHS brings together archivists, historians, librarians, educators, students and community members invested in preserving and researching Southern LGBTQ history to talk best practices, network, and have a great time celebrating the rich and diverse histories of LGBTQ people in the US South. Dallas and Denton.
• March 22: Legacy Under the Sea
More details to follow. 8-11 p.m. VIP at 7 p.m. at 7 For Parties, 150 Turtle Creek Blvd. #107.