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6 World-Changing Astrology Trends You Need to Know for 2023 – ELLE

Curious about the cosmic trends that will shape 2023? Us too. Fortunately, The AstroTwins are getting us ready for the year ahead. Find out what the stars have in store for every zodiac sign, below.

1. Mercury will be retrograde for New Year’s—both of them

Forget about barreling into 2023 (or 2024, for that matter) like a boss. The year will be bookended by two Mercury retrogrades: Dec. 29, 2022 to Jan. 18, 2023, then again from Dec. 13, 2023 to Jan. 1, 2024. So, what does that mean for our annual goal-setting? Let yourself “rest and digest” before you bang out those resolutions. Since all “re” activities are favored during a retrograde, take the first few weeks of 2023 to reflect upon your greatest hits and biggest lessons of 2022. We’re leaving a rocky year of war, economic upheaval, and protracted health concerns in our rearview mirrors. It’s okay to be uncertain about the intentions you want to set for 2023.

And here’s a savvy workaround: Set your 2023 missions in motion with the first new moon of the year, which takes place on January 21. Better still? It’s a new moon in Aquarius, the sign of hope, idealism and innovation, which will help you dream way outside any box.

2. Grit = glam: Saturn heads into Pisces for the first time in 29 years, peeling away the polish

Gritty realism becomes glamorous again when no-nonsense Saturn paddles into Pisces, the sign of fantasy and illusion for three years, beginning March 7, 2023. How unvarnished do we dare to become? Bella Hadid recently fessed up to getting a nose job at age 14, musing that she wished she’d “kept the nose of my ancestors.” And TikTok Now, the mega-app’s answer to BeReal, is just warming up, inviting users to post quick vids with their front and back cameras, presumably lifting the veil on any pretenses. (Like, say, that studio setup in your spare bathroom.)

We can expect more ’90s grunge to invade the runways, along with gothic and dystopiacore fashions, for those who want to indulge in apocalyptic fantasies this cycle. And if you’re born between 1993 and 1996 or 1964 and 1967, you might be stepping into your Saturn Return—a cosmic rite of passage that challenges you to become a master of your craft.

3. Freedom fighters won’t get much rest until May 2023

In 2022, worldly Jupiter ran a combat mission through Aries (the warrior sign) from May 10 to October 30. From the devastation in Ukraine to the women-led uprisings in Iran—not to mention the fight for reproductive freedom, trans kids’ rights and 101 democracy that colored the November midterms, the year has felt like one long battle. Weary though we may be, it’s not time to pause on our efforts. Jupiter takes its final lap through Aries from Dec. 20, 2022 to May 16, 2023, putting freedom and identity politics front and center for the first part of the year. Fortunately, courage, strength, and conviction are the Jupiter in Aries way.

4. 2023’s lunar nodes and eclipses puts commitment back on the menu

Will the power of love prevail? The stars say, “Yes…but it’s time to rewrite the rules.” The moon’s karmic South Node—a special point in the sky—will move through two relationship-oriented signs, intimate Scorpio and marriage-minded Libra, helping us rethink what it means to be a couple.

Until July 17, the South Node rounds out an 18-month tour through Scorpio, the sign of sex and reproduction. After the Roe reversal, the risk of unwanted pregnancy comes with greater gravitas for hetero folks. And the 2022 monkeypox outbreak left plenty of gay men shook. Bottom line: Casual sex sounds kind of like an oxymoron now. According to’s 2022 Singles in America report, “Young singles are especially sold on long-term relationships, with 80 percent indicating they’d like to find something that lasts.”

But can we bridge the gap between our individual needs and the demands of a relationship? That’s the journey we’ll tackle collectively as the lunar nodes head into Aries (North Node) and Libra (South Node) from July 17, 2023 to Jan. 11, 2025. Resolve will be tested during the May 5 Scorpio lunar eclipse and the October 14 solar eclipse in Libra.

4. But Venus will be retrograde during wedding season, so plan ahead!

Let’s start with the good news: Romantic Venus rolls out a long red carpet in passionate Leo, hovering in the lion’s den for four whole months, from June 5 to October 8. The desire to dress up, be affectionate, and woo (and be wooed) will return with fanfare. But there’s a caveat to this extended cycle. From July 22 to September 3, the planet of love slips into her retrograde cycle, changing from an evening star (visible at dusk) to a morning star (visible near dawn). These six-week cycles are best for putting relationship issues to bed, like resolving lovers’ quarrels to blocking the love-bombers and toxic exes. And in Leo, this can all get very dramatic.

A workaround for anyone with a wedding scheduled from July 22 to September 3: Sign the marriage license before or after those dates—or plan to renew your vows on your first anniversary. Don’t sweep pre-ceremony issues under the rug. An extra couples’ therapy session and a designated wedding planner (or future in-laws handler) could be the best investment you make.

5. Jupiter renews hope around work, money, and the economy mid-year

With inflation rising and a potential recession looming—not to mention the crypto winter and FTX scandal—conspicuous consumerism is out for 2023. The labor market continues to struggle with both layoffs and worker shortages. But before you plunge into doomsday thinking, look ahead to May 16 when bountiful Jupiter prances into Taurus, the sign of practical luxury, for a year—its first visit here since 2012.

A new type of office may emerge in the second half of 2023, catering to the workers’ needs for job satisfaction and autonomy while also allowing markets to flourish and grow.

Happy-go-lucky Jupiter is the galactic gambler: some of the biggest fortunes were made while this planet passed through Taurus. (Talk about a new spin on a “bull market.”) John D. Rockefeller became the world’s first billionaire during the 1916 Jupiter in Taurus cycle. During the 2012 circuit, Apple claimed a value of $600 billion, making it the world’s largest company by market capitalization. Las Vegas was also founded during a Jupiter in Taurus transit on May 5, 1905, just saying.

6. Pluto moves into Aquarius for the first time since 1778 through 1798, keeping democracy on the ballot

While many of us are heaving a sigh of relief post-U.S. midterm elections, the fight for democracy isn’t dying down any time soon. Pluto, the planet of destruction and regeneration, darts into sci-fi, communal Aquarius from March 23 to June 11—its first time out of patriarchal Capricorn since 2008. Pluto directs our collective shadow work. As it weaves between between these two signs until settling into the Water Bearer’s realm for 20 years on Nov. 19, 2024, the divide between old world and new world values will become even starker.

For what it’s worth, the U.S. Constitution was drafted and ratified the last time Pluto was in Aquarius. This time around, “We the People…” may really include more than the ruling class of white men. Tech billionaires will attempt to strengthen their grip on power, but Pluto the destroyer could serve some harsh lessons once it leaves Capricorn. Schadenfreude moments ahead.

Want to know more? Find out what all of this means for your zodiac sign and get aligned with the stars for the best 2023. The AstroTwins have it all mapped out, along with a calendar of key dates for every single important moment of the year, in The AstroTwins 2023 Horoscope, available in paperback or PDF. ELLE readers get 20 percent off with the checkout code ELLE23.