Has your brain been poisoned by the internet? Do you unironically use the term “discourse” in your daily life? Do you find yourself trying to explain memes aloud to offline friends who — let’s be honest — seem happier than you? Act now! You may be entitled to financial compensation. Just kidding. None of us terminally online people will ever get paid damages for our time despite the social media age having permanently damaged our cognition. This Halloween, isn’t that the scariest notion of all?

The least we can do as extremely online queer people is try to extract some bizarre joy out of our time spent in the depths of the content mines, which is why we here at Them have assembled this list of spooky costumes that only fellow posting veterans will recognize. These 29 options, ranging from the malevolent AI doll M3gan to a pot-smoking Che Diaz, were whittled down from a collective brain dump you’re lucky you don’t have to see the entirety of.

Jeopardy champion Amy Schneider, we’re sorry you didn’t make the cut, but you seem like such a nice person, we didn’t want to bring you into this mess. And Bussi, the dancing Spanish bus mascot with the best name, we honestly would have included you but we thought of it too late. 

So, this Halloween, you could be a normal, healthy member of the LGBTQ+ community and pick a costume from A League of Their Own or, say, Umbrella Academy. Or, you could pick one of our outré suggestions, find the nearest sewing machine, and get to work.

The “Trans” Purple M&M

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