
2021 SPS Scholastic Excellence Honorees: Parkview High School – Ozarks Independent

Springfield Public Schools announced that 52 seniors are being named to the 36th Annual Recognition of Scholastic Excellence.

The Top 10 graduating students (and ties) from each high school with the highest GPAs are recognized each year. This year, due to ties in GPA, Kickapoo and Parkview high schools will each be honoring 11 students.

All week Ozarks Independent will be highlighting the students who have earned this honor, with one school’s class being honored each day. Today, the Scholastic Excellence honorees from Parkview High School.

Ever Mae Cole is the child of Ben Cole and Brandy Cole.  Ever plans to earn a degree in journalism or education from the University of Missouri, Columbia and plans to pursue a career in photojournalism, magazine journalism, education or in the science field. Ever’s high school activities include cabinet art commissioner, Lassies, Leadership School, National Honor Society, Green Team, A+ Advisory Board, Spectrum, A+ Program, school magazine and Mu Alpha Theta.

Samantha Lauren Duke is the child of Brad Duke and Jana Duke.  Samantha plans to earn a degree in occupational therapy from the University of Missouri, Columbia. Samantha’s high school activities include Springfield Youth Symphony, Parkview Lassies Drum and Bugle Corps, National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Parkview Leadership School and National History Day Competition.

Hannah Elizabeth Grandon is the child of James Grandon and Tiffanie Grandon.  Hannah plans to earn a degree in biology-zoology, specializing in animal psychology, from Brigham Young University, Idaho and pursue a career as a zoo keeper.  Hannah’s high school activities include varsity tennis – 4 years, 3rd place at individual districts, 3 years tennis co-captain, tennis captain, 3 years Science Olympiad, National Honor Society, 3 years Principal Honor Roll, 3 years scholastic team and 100+ hours in tutoring


Liam Stuart Hampton is the child of Bill Hampton and Rebecca Hampton.  Liam plans to earn a degree in environmental engineering from the University of Alabama.  Liam’s high school activities include Science Olympiad, Green Team, varsity golf, varsity soccer, Future Business Leaders of America, Leadership School, Mu Alpha Theta and band.

Joseph Pham Nguyen is the child of Oanh Nguyen and Maria Pham. Joseph plans to earn a degree in mechanical engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology and pursue a career in manufacturing or science, technology, engineering and mathematics.  Joseph’s high school activities include cabinet, student council, speech and debate, Mu Alpha Theta, Future Business Leaders of America, Green Team, Science Olympiad, National Honor Society and cross country.

Elizabeth Rae Presley is the child of John Presley and Amy Presley.  Elizabeth plans to earn a degree in biochemistry and criminology from Missouri State University and pursue a career as a forensic analyst.  Elizabeth’s high school activities include DECA, National Honor Society, Science Olympiad, tennis, National History Day, Green Team and Mu Alpha Theta.

Sophia Ann Sampson is the child of Brandin Sampson and Jessica Shirley.  Sophia plans to attend the University of Missouri.  Sophia’s high school activities include National Honor Society, Science Olympiad, magazine co-editor, Spectrum, Green Team and College Ambassadors.

Sophie Elaine Stefka is the child of Jason Stefka and April Stefka.  Sophie plans to attend Missouri State University.  Sophie’s high school activities include 2020-2021 blood drives, solo/ensemble contests, district honor choirs, International Thespian Society performance and Parkview Cares.

Audrey Rita Vaughan is the child of James Vaughan and Susan Goodman.  Audrey plans to earn a degree in biochemistry from Missouri State University and pursue a career as a physician’s assistant.  Audrey’s high school activities include cabinet secretary, Future Business Leaders of America vice president, National Honor Society treasurer, Mu Alpha Theta, Science Olympiad and Leadership School.

Kailyn Emma White is the child of Paul White and Kiersten White.  Kailyn plans to earn a degree in biology and/or conservation from Missouri State University and pursue a career as a conservationist or zookeeper.  Kailyn’s high school activities include Green Team, Science Olympiad, Gay Straight Alliance and A+ Tutoring.

Daniel Petrovich Zhogan is the child of Petr Zhogan and Liliya Zhogan.  Daniel plans to earn a degree in professional flight and pursue a career in aviation. Daniel’s high school activities include basketball, baseball, Mu Alpha Theta, DECA and National Honor Society.